The Documentation team uses Jira, Github, Git Bash and Flare when updating online help content. This section describes that process, which is driven by the Documentation Status field in Jira.
Edit me

Change status

Once approved, the Author moves the Documentation Status to DocDone. Open a PR to merge the changes to the production site. Refer to Update the Production Site when Documentation is Approved.

Update the Help on the Dev and Prod Sites

Each release has a branch in the dsp-docs repo with the naming convention develop_nnn, where nnn is the release number (develop_701, for example). When a pull request is merged to that branch, a Technical Writer logs in to Jenkins and builds the helpn.

The URL for the full version is:

The URL for the Solex version is:

The URL for the prod full help is:

For Solex:

To update the help on the sites:

  1. Log in to Jenkins.
  2. In the Name column, click DSPDocs.
  3. Click the Schedule a Build icon for either DSPDocDev or DSPDocProd.
  4. Enter the version number in the VERSION field.
  5. Click Build. The build status displays in the left column under Build History.

Update the DSP Landing Page

Each release the DSP Landing Page’s index.htm needs to be updated with a new release links for the general and solex versions of the Help and What’s New. If a user enters an invalid url for the help, this page displays, listing all available versions of the product.

To update the index.htm page:

  1. Open the DSPLandingPage folder in the Root of the dsp-docs directory.
  2. Open index.html in a text editor like VS Code or Atom.
  3. Around lines 68 and 86, you will see the general links to the What’s New page and the Help. Add links to the new release in the same format as the prior release.
  4. Around lines 111 and 130, you will see the solex links to the What’s New page and the Help. Add links to the new release in the same format as the prior release.
  5. Save your work.
  6. Stage it for commit, commit it, and push it to the remote.
  7. Build the help in jenkins to push the changes to the production site.