This page includes a simplified checklist of the documentation team workflow.
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For Your Work
- Start looking at ticket as soon as it’s assigned.
- Start writing as soon as ticket has made it past Story Review.
- Change the Documentation Status field to In Process.
- Open Git Bash and get to work!
- cd dsp-docs
- git checkout origin <release branch name>
- git pull origin <release branch name>
- git checkout -b <new personal branch name>
- Open up Flare and get to work!
- Check for spelling and grammar errors.
- Check that everything is written according to our standards.
- Test the links.
- Add appropriate Condition Tags.
- Add GUID’s to alias for new pages in the DSP (mostly Field Descriptions topics).
- Save and close the project.
- Open Git Bash in dsp-docs folder
- git status
- git add .
- git commit -m “<description of what you changed and where without any special characters>”
- git push origin <personal branch name>
- Create pull request
- Assign reviewer and write them a descriptive message of what to review.
- Check the base branch is the current release branch you are working in and compare is your new branch name.
- Add PR link to JIRA tickets.
- Update Doc Status to Peer Review.
- Wait for reviewer to merge the PR.
- Update the Doc Status to Review and wait for the PM.
- Once it’s PM reviewed and approved, then you can change the status to Doc Done.
- Once it’s merged then you can delete the local branch.
For Peer Reviewing
- Receive pull request.
- See author of PR and the name of the branch they committed to the PR.
- Open Git Bash.
- cd dsp-docs
- git pull origin <release branch>
- git fetch origin <writer’s branch name>
- git checkout <writer’s branch name>
- Open Flare and get to work!
- Review content for clarity.
- Test the steps.
- Check for spelling and grammar errors.
- Check that everything is written according to our standards.
- Test the links.
- If missing, add appropriate Condition Tags.
- If missing, add GUID’s to alias for new pages in the DSP (mostly Field Descriptions topics)
- Check to make sure the TOC label has been updated and is not a system variable.
Note: If the TOC title text is blue it is connected to a variable and needs to be updated.
- Save and close the project.
- git status
Note: This step is only necessary, if you have made an update during the peer review.
- git add .
Note: This step is only necessary, if you have made an update during the peer review.
- git commit -m “<description of what you changed and where without any special characters>”
Note: This step is only necessary, if you have made an update during the peer review.
- git push origin < writer’s branch name >
Note: This step is only necessary, if you have made an update during the peer review.
- Merge PR.
- Confirm merge.
- Delete that branch in github and locally so things don’t get cluttered.