This page includes a table that lists all major releases of the different BOA components.
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Items to be Updated By Release Type

Type of release Online Help Updated Release Notes Created Installation Manuals Created
Major release (as in, 6.0) Yes.
The What’s New topic content should include:
  • New Features and updates since the immediate prior version (as in, the updates to the What’s New topic for 6.0 should only contain updates implemented in 6.0).
  • A description of every enhancement request included in the version.
  • A description of every Online Help feedback request from the field included in the version.
  • All Support issues
  • All Jira tickets that describe changes to behavior, the UI, or the help that were made to previously released versions. These may be bugs internally reported by PM, task tickets, defect tickets or others.

Release notes should contain identical content to the What’s New topic in help.
Monor release (as in, 6.3) Yes.
Same as for Major release.
Yes. Yes.
Service Pack Release (as in, 6.2.1 SP) Yes.
The What’s New topic should contain only the changes included with the SP.
This document should include any changes since the last minor version release. If multiple Service Packs are released for a Minor release, the release notes for each Service Pack should contain changes from the previous Service Pack.
For example, the 6.2.2 SP release notes should contain the content from the 6.2.1 SP release notes.
Patch release (as in, Patch) No.
(Developers include in the zipped patch file a readme.txt file describing the content of the patch).
No. No.

Summary of DSP Release Versions and Full/Solex Content

Version Number Solex Full System Admin
7.0.2 Yes released 1/14/19 Yes N/A
Agent Interface added
Not yet active as of 11/07/18
SAP PQ for 7.0 ongoing
Yes N/A
Move to Hosted help
System Admin content added back to product help.
Sys Admin help no longer produced.
Yes Yes No
Yes Yes Yes
Yes Yes
6.5.3 Yes Yes
6.5.2 No Yes
6.5.1 No Yes
6.5 Yes Yes
No No
6.3.1 Yes Yes
First version that used Condition Tags (CTs) to create separate help files from the same project.
Yes Yes
dspCompose reintroduced
Yes Yes
No CTs applied in help file.
Yes Yes
Yes Yes
dspCompose introduced in full version
No Yes
6.0.1 No Yes
6.1 No Yes