Steps to update the Flare project when we are preparing help for a new DSP version.
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When starting work on a new version of DSP help:
- Add a “What’s New in [New Version Number] topic
- Update the link in the TopNav TOC to point to this new version, and update the version number in the TOC
- Delete the body text in the What’s New topic, and add links to the Previous Versions section at the bottom for the last version’s What’s New topic
- Update the Version Variable.
- Update the Previous Versions links markup (
<p MadCap:conditions="Primary.dspConduct"><a href="[%=System.SourceFile%]">See this topic in Version JUSTRELEASEDVERSIONNUMBER</a></p\>
) in the Master Pages for all topics with the new version number in the- href url -[%=System.SourceFile%]
- the link text -
- Ex.
<p MadCap:conditions="Primary.ISA"><a href="[%=System.SourceFile%]">See this topic in Version 7.0.1</a></p>
- Put is below the body proxy (
<MadCap:topicToolbarProxy style="mc-topic-toolbar-items: Print RemoveHighlight;" /><MadCap:bodyProxy />
) and above the feedbacksurvey (<div id="feedback-survey">
). - Do not add this markup to the HomePage or Search Results Master pages.
- Update the other branches (develop_70, develop_701 etc) to include a link to the just released version, so that all topics will have links to other available versions. Ensure there is a link to the solex and the general help for each version and that the CTs are applied correctly.
- Here is an example of links in the 7.0.1 version.
Previous Version Links in 7.0.1
- href url -