This page describes the process for updating Flare project files.
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Online Help Update Process

To update online help:

  1. The author checks out the project files and adds the content to Flare following standards outlined in the BackOffice Associates Documentation Standards. Refer to WorkFlow - In Process.
  2. The author commits the project files. Refer to Commit updates locally and push them to the BackOfficeAssoc GitHub Repo dsp-docs for more information.
  3. The author assigns the ticket to the peer reviewer in JIRA with a Documentation Status of Peer Review. Refer to Open a pull request for a peer reviewer to review your work.
  4. Follow the Peer Review process described in Peer Review: Peer Reviews Content in Flare.

Create New Topic

To create a topic:

  1. In the Content Explorer pane, right-click the Content folder, and then select New > Topic (or Ctrl+T).

  2. Select NewTopic.htm under New from Template.

  3. Enter the File Name, and then click Add.
  4. Replace the default content with the new content.

  5. Right-click anywhere in the topic, and then select Topic Properties from the drop-down.

  6. Set the appropriate master page (configuration, useCases, pageDescriptions). Refer to Apply the Master Page.

  7. On the Conditional Text tab, select the condition tag to apply to the topic. Refer to Use Condition Tags.

  8. Click OK.

  9. Open the appropriate TOC (UseCases, Configuration, PageDescriptions, TopNav). Drag and drop the topic from the Content Explorer pane to the appropriate location in the TOC.

  10. Update the TOC Label to the title. There are two ways to do this. You can double-click the label in the TOC, delete what is there “[%=System.LinkedTitle%]”, and enter the title with spaces and proper capitalization or you can update it in the Properties dialog on the General tab.

  11. Right-click the topic in the TOC and select Properties from the drop-down menu.

  12. If the topic is excluded from one of the Help outputs, on the Conditional Text tab select the appropriate conditions for the topic in the TOC. Refer to Use Condition Tags for more information about how condition tags are used to generate output.

  13. Click OK.

Checklist for Adding a Use Case

  1. Update Topic Properties:
    • In the Properties dialog, on the Topic Properties tab, set the appropriate master page (useCases).
    • On the Conditional Text tab, select the check box next to the component name.
  2. Add component name snippet to upper right of topic: See Add and Insert Snippets for Static Content for the steps for this process.

  3. Add component Concept to the topic: This step ensures the topics is included in search results when a search filters is set.
    • On the View tab, open the Concept window.
    • Right-click the concept and select Assign Topic.
    • Browse for, and then select the topic.
  4. Confirm links have been added: Including “Refer to” links and page name links.

  5. Add topic to the appropriate TOC (useCases): You can do this by dragging and dropping it.
  6. Add component name CT to the topic in TOC: See Use Condition Tags for the steps to complete this process.

  7. Confirm proper CTs have been applied: This includes references to ADM/dspMigrate, ISA, IGC, dspConduct, and IGUC.

  8. Review formatting: Refer to the BackOffice Associates® Documentation Standards document for more information.

Checklist for Adding a Field Description

  1. Update Topic Properties:
    • In the Properties dialog, on the Topic Properties tab, set the appropriate master page (pageDescriptions).
    • On the Conditional Text tab, select the check box next to the component name.
  2. Add component Concept to the topic: This ensures that the topics is included in search results when a search filters is set.
    • On the View tab, open the Concept window.
    • Right-click the concept and select Assign Topic.
    • Browse for, and then select the topic.
  3. Add component name snippet to upper right of topic: See Add and Insert Snippets for Static Content for the steps for this process.

  4. Confirm links have been added: This includes “Refer to” links and page name links.

  5. Add topic to the Page Descriptions TOC: This can be completed by dragging and dropping it.
  6. Add component name CT to the topic in TOC: See Use Condition Tags for the steps to complete this process.

  7. Confirm proper CTs have been applied: This includes references to ADM/dspMigrate, ISA, IGC, dspConduct, and IGUC.

  8. Review formatting:
    • Ensure the word NOTE: has been added to notes.
    • Ensure the navigation steps at the top of the topic are numbered.
    • Ensure the reference to a topic that uses this page is formatted with div.use.
    • Ensure the table style is fielddescription.css.
  9. Confirm Use this page to section: Make sure a reference to a topic that uses this page is included and is formatted with the div div.use.

  10. Add the Map ID: Indicate in the peer review that the link to the page needs to be checked on the test site. Refer to Add Context-sensitive Help Links.

Editing content already in Help to send for Review

When existing Help content needs to be updated, generate a Word document containing the content from Flare or cut and paste content into a Google document. Then, once generated, turn on Track Changes and update the content as needed. Attach the updated Word document to the Jira ticket and send for review as noted in the following sections.

To generate a Word document from Flare:

  1. In the Project Organizer, open the TOCs folder.

  2. Create a new TOC in the TOCs folder and copy the TOC that includes the content you will be updating.

  3. Open the PrintTOC.

  4. Click and hold the tab for the PrintTOC, and then drag it to float next to the Copy of ConsoleTOC”

  5. In the new TOC, locate the topic or book with the content to be edited and drag it to the PrintTOC.

  6. Save the PrintTOC (you can close both TOCs at this point).

  7. Open the Target Folder, and then open the Word target.

  8. On the General Tab, click the browse option next to Output Folder and select where you want Flare to generate the document (you can select your Desktop, for example).

  9. On the Variables tab, update the ComponentName variable as needed.

  10. Click Build.

The Word document is generated. You can open the document from the Builds pod, or click View in the Target editor.

Use Condition Tags

Condition tags serve two purposes. A condition tag is applied to almost every topic in the Content Explorer in Flare to identify the specific component to which it belongs.

Condition tags are also used in an output Target to include/exclude entire topics or certain text in a topic from Help output. This allows generations of the two online help systems described in the next section. If a topic must be excluded from one of the Help systems, the condition tag also must be applied to the topic’s TOC link in the TOC.

Types of Help Systems Output from Flare

Two online help systems are output from Flare, Full and Solex.

The condition tags to be include or excluded in these outputs are configured in the Target used to build the output. Refer to Build Help Targets

Refer to Condition Tags Used in the Project File for information about which condition tags are included/excluded for each help system.

Apply Condition Tag to a Topic

A condition tag must be applied to almost every topic in the Content Explorer to identify the topic’s component. The condition tag must be applied to the topic’s link in the master TOC as well.

To apply a condition tag to an entire topic:

  1. Select the topic in the Content Explorer.

  2. Right-click the topic and select Properties.

  3. In the topic Properties dialog, click the Conditional Text tab.

  4. Click the check box next to the Condition Tag to apply it to the topic.

To apply a condition tag to the topic’s link in the master TOC:

  1. Right-click the topic in Content Explorer and select Locate in TOC.

  2. Select the correct TOC from the options. Then click Open.

  3. Right-click the TOC link and select Properties.

  4. In the topic Properties dialog, click the Conditional Text tab.

  5. Click the check box next to the Condition Tag to apply to the topic.

Apply Condition Tag to content in a Topic

To exclude certain text in a topic from one of the online Help systems, a condition tag must be applied to the specific content.

To apply the condition tag to content in a topic:

  1. Open the topic that contains the content.

  2. Select the content.

  3. Right-click and select Conditions from the drop-down.

  4. Click the check box next to the Condition Tag to apply it to the content.

Preview a topic with a Condition Tag

To see how the topic displays in online help when a condition tag is applied:

  1. Click the Preview icon in the topic toolbar.
  2. Click the Modify Conditional Expression The Modify Conditional Expression Icon icon and then select the condition tags to include or exclude in the preview.

To view a list of the topics and content to which a tag is applied:

  1. Click the View tab, and then select File List from the Explorer group.

  2. Click the Conditions header to sort the list by condition tag name.

Apply the Master Page

The master page applied to topics dictates which menu displays on the topic. There are three types of topics.

  • A configuration topic has a menu that links to the other topics in the configuration section.

  • The page descriptions topics menu displays a list of all the sections in help.

  • The use case topics menu displays the use cases for the component.

To apply the master page in Flare on the Topic Properties window, go the Topic Properties tab, in the Masterpage list box.

Format Tables in Topics

Use the following steps to format tables in Flare topics when copying and pasting from Word:

  1. Copy the table in Word.

  2. Paste the content into a Flare topic, and then select Paste Table from the Smart Paste drop-down.
    Smart Paste Icon
    Smart Paste Icon
    Smart Paste Menu
    Smart Paste Menu
  3. Right-click the Table block, select Table Properties, and then in the Table Style drop-down, select the fielddescription.

  4. To format the table text, click in a cell in the table and select the appropriate style from the Style drop-down.

Add Popups for Frequently Referenced Content

Some fields that have multiple options are referenced throughout the online help, such as Report Type. To maintain content in one location rather than repeating it every time the field is mentioned, add the content to the popups object in the custom.js file and add a link with the”popUpLink” class and appropriate id (the title of the content inserted as the key in the key value pair).

To view the popups that have already been created in the project, open the custom.js file and view the popups object.

Popup object code
Popup object code

To add a popup using Visual Studio Code and Flare:

  1. Refer to the section Create New Topic and complete Steps 1-8.
    The Searchable Checkbox
    The Searchable Checkbox
  2. Right-click the custom.js file in the Content Explorer in Flare.

  3. Select Open with and then Code.exe.
    Open with Menu with Code.exe displayed
    Open with Menu with Code.exe displayed
  4. In Visual Studio Code, find the popups object at the bottom of the custom.js file.

  5. At the bottom of the object, put a comma at the end of the last key value pair and click Enter on your keyboard.

  6. Open a new set of quote marks and type in the title of the popup, close the quote marks, enter a colon, and click Enter on your keyboard.

  7. In Flare, open the new popup topic you created in step 1.

  8. Click the Text Editor tab at the bottom of the topic window.

  9. Copy the content of the popup.
    What to copy from the Popup file in Flare
    What to copy from the Popup file in Flare
  10. Back in Visual Studio Code, paste the html code between two backticks after the colon of the popup’s title.
    What final popup code should look like in VS
    What final popup code should look like in VS
  11. Save your work in Visual Studio Code.

  12. In Flare, open the topic where you want to add the popup link.

  13. Type and/or highlight the text for the popup link.

  14. Apply the .popUpLink class to the text using the Style window or manually in the html.
    Adding popup class with Flare GUI
    Adding popup class with Flare GUI
  15. Click the Text Editor tab for the topic.

  16. After the popUpLink class enter the title for the popup as the id.
    How an id should appear in code
    How an id should appear in code
  17. Save your work in Flare.

Add and Insert Snippets for Static Content

The component name for a topic is included as a snippet in the upper right of the topic file.

The component name is also styled as a button and used to navigate to the Overview section of each component.

To add the component name snippet to a topic:

  1. Copy and paste it from another topic, or
  2. Click in the topic where you want the snippet added.
  3. Select the Insert tab, click Snippet.
  4. Select the snippet file you want to add.
  5. Click OK.

Add Glossary Terms

Glossary terms are added to the glossary file in the Help project as new terms and concepts are added to the Help content. The glossary defines BOA specific terms that those new to the DSP® might not be familiar with. The terms must be relevant to customers who are using the DSP® in the field. Terms specific to internal development processes do not need to be defined.

  1. In the Content Explorer Pane, double-click the glossary topic in the Content folder.
  2. In the glossary topic, add the new term maintaining proper formatting and the alphabetical order.
  3. Click Save.

Glossary Hotspot Location and Style

Where to add glossary hotspots is TBD. The options include adding hotspots only to overview topics, or to determine the most useful places to add hotspots by reviewing the online Help search results for each term.

Topics that contain the most occurrences of a search term are displayed first in the search results list in online Help. The idea is that the topics at the top of the list are the most relevant to the search. And, in terms of glossary term definitions, the most relevant place to add hotspots that define the term for a user. Hotspot can be added to the top three topics returned in a search for a term. Hotspots for glossary term definitions are added to overview and use case topics, but not field descriptions.

The style for glossary hotspots are TBD. The options are as follows.

When you click a hotspot with the default style, here is the result:

We can also change the look of glossary terms in the help using a script. Select Tools > Scripts > Output Generator with Glossary Restyling. You can set the terms to display as a popup or a tooltip. The user clicks the term to open the popup. The user hovers over a term to display a tooltip.

When a user clicks the ? icon on any page in the product, the help system opens and displays the field description topic for that page. This is referred to as Context-sensitive Help.

When documenting a new page, enter a Map ID that links the page with the topic name in Flare. The Map ID, coupled with an Alias Value in Flare, links a page in the product with a topic in the help file. In the BOA Solutions implementation of online help, a Map ID is the GUID for a page.

Each component has a range for an alias file Value. Refer to Alias File Value Range to see a table of values by component.

If documenting a new component, a developer can send the Technical Writer the GUID for each page in the component.

GUIDs for individual pages are available in the Platform.

To get the GUID for any page:

  1. Click the Change Settings icon in the Site Toolbar.
    Change Settings menu in DSP
    Change Settings menu in DSP
  2. Select Technical Help and click the Technical tab.
    Technical tab in DSP
    Technical tab in DSP
  3. The GUID for the current page displays next to Page ID.

To add Map IDs:

  1. Convert the GUID to uppercase and replace hyphens with underscores.

  2. In the Project Organizer, in the Advanced folder, open the BackOffice Associates Solutions alias file.

  3. Click the Value field to sort the list on value to determine the next value to use based on the component of the topic being mapped. Refer to Alias File Value Range for a list of alias file value ranges by component.

  4. Click Create a new identifier in the Alias Editor.

  5. Enter the GUID for the page in the Identifier field.

  6. Press Enter on your keyboard.
  7. Double-click the Value field to make it editable. Enter the next available value in the appropriate range in the Value field. Press Enter.

  8. Double-click the topic name that opens when the user clicks the ? on the GUID’s page in the Topics pane to assign it to Identifier.

Generate Map ID for a page ID (GUID) that starts with a number

  1. Open the alias file in the Project > Advanced folder. Sort it on Value to find the sequence you need. Close the alias file.

  2. Open the header file, BSSCDefault.h.

  3. Go to the end of the file, and then copy and paste the last line to duplicate it on a new row. Edit the values shown. Paste over the GUID with the new GUID and edit the value to the sequence identified in Step 1.

  4. Save and close BSSCDefault.h.

  5. Reopen the alias file and map the topic.

Add Concepts

We apply Concepts to related topics to group them to create the search filter in help. We have added concepts for component names along with related subjects such as CTS or Bulk Execution.

Adding concepts and search filters:

  1. Set Flare up with the TOC, a topic, and the Concepts window open.

  2. Place your cursor in the topic where the concept link will go (it does not show up in output so does not matter where really).

  3. Enter your concept in the Concepts window in the Terms dialog and press Enter on your keyboard. The concept displays in the topic.

  4. Click inside the topic and click Save to save the topic. The concept shows up in the Concepts list (below the terms box.)

    Concepts list in Flare
    Concepts list in Flare

Now that you have your concept in your Concepts list, you can drag and drop topics to the Concept.

  1. Close the topic so that the TOC and Concepts window are side-by-side.

  2. You can drag a folder or a single topic from the TOC to the concept in the Concepts list. You can also right-click on a concept in the list and browse for a topic (this works if you are only adding one or two topics). And you can drag and drop from the File List view as well.

    New concept added to Concepts list in Flare
    New concept added to Concepts list in Flare
    Expanded node in Concepts list
    Expanded node in Concepts list

Once you have the concepts added to the topics, you can add the filter for it to the Search Filters.

To add concepts to Search Filters:

  1. Open the Search Filter file in the Advanced folder.

  2. Click Plus to add the filter, and double-click in the Filter name field to give it a name.
  3. Press Enter on your keyboard.

  4. Double-click in the Concepts field and associate the concept to the filter.
    Associate concepts with filters
    Associate concepts with filters