This page describes usage dictionary the doc team uses when writing documentation.
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Usage Dictionary

Correct Use Incorrect Use
+ ”+”
Add mode Add-mode
Advanced Page Property advanced page property
ASP Asp, asp
auto-generated autogenerated, auto generated
BAPI Bapi, bapi
BDC Bdc, bdc
Business Rule business rule
button Button
cannot can’t
Change log changelog
check box checkbox
check list checklist
child pane dependent pane
Click a button Select, push, or press a button
Click a check box Select, push, or press a check box
Click a heading to sort Press a heading to sort
Click an icon Press, push an icon
client-specific client specific
company-specific company specific
Confirmation messages display Confirmation messages shows
CTS Cts, cts
customer-specific customer specific
data source DataSource, Datasource, datasource
database Data Base, Data base
disabled Turned off
displays Shows, Appears
dimmed Grayed out, inactive, dithered
DLL Dll, dll
do not don’t
does not doesn’t
double-click double click
Edit mode Edit-mode
email e-mail, e mail
Enabled Turn on
Enter (such as Enter text) Type
Excel file spreadsheet
Excel-initiated request Excel Initiated Request
Field Description Page map
Integration Testing integration testing
It is It’s
list box listbox
log in (v) login, log-in
login (adj) Log-in, log in
menu Menu
Navigation pane Navigation Pane, navigation pane, Navigation Pane
non-disclosure non disclosure
N-tier N tier
Org Units Orgunits, OrgUnits, org units
page (web page) Screen
page property Page Property
PDF Pdf, pdf
pop-up Pop up, popup
Pop-up message displays Pop-up message shows or produces
priority Sort order, ordinal
read-only read only
Refer to [section name] for more information See section, go to the section …
Regression Testing regression testing
SAP Sap, sap
screen shot Screenshot, snap shot
Select Choose, pick
Select an option Push or select an option
set up (v) setup
setup (n) set up
shortcut short cut
site-specific site specific
SQL Server Sql server, SQLSERVER
SQL Server 2012 SQL Server2012
SQL Server Enterprise Manager SQLSERVER Enterprise Manager
SQL Server Management Studio SQLSERVER Management Studio
SQL Server Query Analyzer SQLSERVER Query Analyzer
stored procedure Stored Procedure
System Testing System testing
tab Tab
text box textbox
three-tier three tier
Toolbar (as in “the Page toolbar”) > Tool bar
toolset tool set, suite
UNC path Unc path, unc path
Unit Testing unit testing
user End-user
validation rule validation rule
Vertical View Vertical view, vertical view
Vertical View displays Vertical View shows
web page Webpage, webpage
WebApp Web App, web app, webapp
web-enabled web enabled
WebEx Web Ex, webex
website web site
WHERE clause Where Clause, where clause
Work List worklist
workflow Workflow, work flow
ZTable Z Table, Z-Table, Z table, z-table