This page lists component names and DSP-specific terms the doc team uses when writing documentation.
Edit me
- Advanced Data Migration (ADM) (solex version)
- Assemble
Note: Assemble is the application that builds the package, but the package is a CranPort package.
- Auto-generation
- auto-generate
- BackOffice Associates® Solutions: Full name of full version
Note: BOA does not have a trademark.
- Common
- Console
- Construct
- Construct page (not construction page)
- Data Services Automation (the process)
AutoGen request (to that particular part of the process that happens mostly on the Autogen BODS Requests page where you upload requests to and download from the cloud, etc., )
- Data Services AutoGen
- Data Stewardship Platform (DSP)®
- DSP®
- dspCompse™
- dspConduct™
- dspMigrate™ (full version)
- dspMonitor™
- dspTrack™
- dsw* database
- field mapping
- Information Governance Cloud (IGC)™
- Information Governance Universal Connect (IG UC)
- Information Steward Accelerator
- Integrate
- Map
- SAP Accelerators by BackOffice Associates®: Full name of Solex version
- SQL AutoGen
Note: Reference the feature and component using AutoGen. SQL and Data Services are the two types of AutoGen.
- System Type
- Target Design
- Transform
- value mapping
- Wave and process area (also called a context)