This page describes the general guidelines the doc team follows when writing Knowledge Base articles for ZenDesk.
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Overview Section

Write in second person and present tense.

If relevant, refer to the version of the product that the article applies to at the start of the article. For example, the first sentence in the article can be “This article applies to DSP 6.6.1 and above.”

Begin each article with a one or two sentence introduction describing the article’s purpose. Do not repeat the article title.

After the introduction, if the article has headings, then include a bulleted list of headings with links.

Intended Audience and Prerequisites

Because these articles are geared towards consultants, we have to assume they have an understanding of the DSP, SQL, and other technologies (for example, DBMoto). The content can be presented at a high level.

We do not need a separate heading for Intended Audience.

Include prerequisites (for example, configuration settings required or access to certain systems) as needed. Add a Prerequisites heading if this section is included.

References to Help and Other KB Articles

If the help provides more information, reference it as:

Refer to [topic name] in the {product} {System Administration} Help for more information.

If KB provides more information, reference it as:

Refer to [KB Article name] in the Knowledge Base for more information.


Make sure that images are sized so that the user does not have to use a horizontal scroll. All images must have a 1-pixel border.

Resize images and add a border using the SnagIt Editor.

Use images sparingly for KB articles. Only use screenshots or diagrams.

Multi-part Articles

If an article has more than 1500 words, consider making it a multi-part article.

Add “Part 1” to the title of the first article in the series (for example, Data Sources - Part 1). In the first paragraph of this article, list the other related articles in the series. For example “This is an overview of Data Sources. See Data Sources - Part 2 for details about encryption.” At the end of the first article in the series, include a link to the next article, using the text: “Continue reading Data Sources - Part 2.”

Refer to Add Articles to the Knowledge Base in the BackOffice Associates Documentation Process document for more information.