Introductory Slide
Video tutorials must have an introductory slide that displays the name of the product and clearly states the issue or task at hand. Ensure that:
Product titles are fully spelled out with trademark symbols.
No light text on a light background or dark text on a dark background.
The version number of the product we are using is included, if relevant.
A brief description of the task is included.
The following image is used as the background:
{width=”4.360656167979003in” height=”2.7708333333333335in”}
Conclusive Slide
Use the same slide background as used for the Introduction.
Give another brief explanation of the task accomplished in the video.
Provide clickable link (hot spot) to Data Insiders. For information on adding interactive hotspots, check out:
NOTE: Do not include the interactive hotspot in Training SCORM productions.
- Use this image for the hotspot:
{width=”5.083333333333333in” height=”0.7615485564304462in”}
Text on Slides
Introductory Slide
height=”1.6166666666666667in”}Video Series Title: Information
Governance Cloud™ eLearning
Positioned above Tutorial Title
Monserrat font; regular
Hex #59798A
Tutorial Title:{width=”1.8958333333333333in”
Positioned below Video Series Title
Monserrat font; regular