This page describes standards for adding screen shots to IGC help content.
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Screen shots and gifs are created using the data in the Customer Success IGC™ tenant. Refer to the following guidelines when creating screenshots and gifs for IGC™ documentation.

Screen Shots

Screenshots have a 1-pixel black border. For callouts, arrows, etc. use the standard red color in the SnagIt editor. The width for arrows and call out shapes is 1 pixel.

{width=”6.489583333333333in” height=”3.5104166666666665in”}

{width=”2.71875in” height=”2.71875in”}

Try to keep screen shots narrowly focused and only show the feature or option you are illustrating and not an entire window. This can save content development time because you might have to update screen shots less frequently for changes to the UI that did not affect the specific feature or option you captured.