This page describes the planning steps and considerations when creating an IGC video.
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IGC Video Process



  1. MAKE A STORY BOARD. Take screenshots, make stick-figure sketches, or whatever you need to do to map out what you are going to display in your video recording. It may not seem like an important step, but when you are putting your audio and video recordings together, a storyboard will make organization and recording a lot easier.

  2. WRITE A SCRIPT. Match up sections of script to sections of the story board. Write short blurbs as opposed to long paragraphs, as they are easier to work with in production. Adhere to existing writing standards, but alter awkward-sounding sections to sound more colloquial. Accessibility is paramount in video tutorials.

  3. HAVE THE SCRIPT PEER-REVIEWED. Recording audio is time-consuming, so perfect your script as much as possible before recording.

For more information on making tutorial videos that will hold your audience’s attention, check out:

Story Board and Script Template

Insert screenshots of the screen to be recorded on the left. Add the text that will be used in the voiceover to be matched up with the video recording on the right.

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Audio Recording Considerations

  • Record video and audio separately.

  • Record whole sentences. If you mess up part of a sentence, re-record the whole thing. Spliced sentences sound awkward even when well-spliced.

  • Record audio in short sections. It makes it easier to work with when matching it up to certain parts of your video recording.

  • Update the script after the video is complete as it is a transcript for the video.

  • When recording audio, set your levels for a range between -12dB to -6dB. When you are mixing audio in post-production and exporting, take care to make sure that those levels do not exceed -6dB, which is the standard.

  • Ensure that audio levels are even throughout video. Use normalize function or manually adjust audio levels as needed. Listen to your full recording in headphones when reviewing.

  • Trim pauses from the beginning and end of audio clips. It helps with syncing the audio and the video and removes obvious breathing noises and whirring fans that the mic picks up when you are not speaking.

  • For more information, check out: [ ]{.underline}

Video Recording Considerations

  • Set up your screen recording windows to record the smallest screen you have (like your laptop screen), as this will improve the resolution of the recording. If the area you record is too large, the finished video will look grainy when it scales the recording down to a window-sized area.

  • Use slow, steady mouse movements. The video recording clip speed can be increased later if it is too slow, and careful movement will prevent the mouse cursor from looking jerky or dizzying.

  • Hide your toolbar when you record.

  • Hide the address bar in the browser (F11).

  • Snooze all notifications that could interrupt recording. Microsoft and Slack can create noises and pop-up windows that can show up in your recording. Be sure to turn off all these notifications before starting recording.

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{width=”1.9791666666666667in” height=”1.21875in”}