
Multibranch Pipeline Template syntax

Document I wrote for CloudBees about how to write YAML syntax to configure Multibranch Pipelines. I was provided an automatically generated file that was in HTML and needed to be converted into Asciidoc and formatted to be easily accessible. I added a lot of links and headings to help the user navigate the structure.
Pipelines YAML

Install and Configure the Connector Agent

Document I wrote for my position at BackOffice Associates (now Syniti) for their new Agent.

User Manual

Document I created as part of a team building exercise at CloudBees. We each created our own user manuals and shared with each other to gain an understanding of how to work best together. I think it was a valuable experience and I learned not only about them but myself by going through the process of writing this all down.

Application Policy

A document I wrote for Ionic Security describing how an administrator would manage application policies using the main interface. This document describes an element that was removed from the product. I cannot share any other content I produced with Ionic Security for confidentiality reasons.
Policies Administrator Procedure

SSG Presentation

Slides I created for a presentation to the Customer Service Organization (CSO) group about my journey with SSGs. It was well received and generated interest in the development team, who reached out to me to help me further my goal to convert more of our files into an SSG.
SSG Pandoc GitHub Jekyll