Set Up SLA Notifications

A Service Level Agreement (SLA) establishes a time constraint for completing tasks within a request role when a request is processed in dspConduct™. Users assigned to roles are notified through workflow messages when a time constraint is not met. A Designer performs the following tasks to set up SLA notifications for dspConduct™:

  • dspConduct™ is delivered with a default calendar named dspConduct. Before SLAs can be configured in dspConduct™, this calendar must be configured for working days, working hours, and holidays specific to a client site, and dspConduct™ users must be added to the calendar in Common. Refer to Use a Calendar for more information.
  • Once the calendar is set up in Common, SLA settings can be configured in dspConduct™ at the following levels:

NOTE: The work minutes, work hours, and work days set at the role level, scenario > role level or business process > scenario > role level are used to calculate the amount of time that a given role takes to process. When a request is submitted and its first role becomes available for processing, that role’s due date is calculated. When the role is finished, the due dates for the next roles that were dependent upon that role being finished are calculated. On a daily basis, a Service page executes and determines which roles’ due dates are less than the current time. All users for those late roles receive the Late Notification email.

  • Once the dspConduct™ calendar is set up and the SLA settings are configured as needed in the Design hierarchy, Language-specific Workflow Messages for the LateSummary or LateNotify event are created, if needed. Refer to Create Language-specific Workflow Messages for more information.

NOTE: The Request SLA Notification Service page, Request SLA Notification Workflow Service, and Request SLA Summary Workflow page must be configured properly to enable SLA notification to execute. Refer to Set Up Service Pages for Service Level Agreements (SLA) in System Administration for more information.

Refer to Configure Workflow Messages Overview for general information about working with workflow message in dspConduct™.