CTS Packing List H

CTS Packing List V

Use this page to Review Packing List.

To access this page:

  1. Verify the package was built.
  2. Select Admin >CTS > Build in the Navigation pane.
  3. Click Packing List,on the CTS Build page.
Field Description
Exclude Click to remove the selected item from the packing list.
CTS CONFIG ITEM ID Displays item type included in the package (as in, being moved via the CTS process). This field is managed on the CTS Items page.
DESCRIPTION Displays a brief description of the item specified on theCTS Packing List Keyspage.
Keys Click to open the CTS Packing List Keys page to view the specific items included in the package.

CTS Packing List V

CTS Packing List H

Use this page to Review Packing List.



CTS Config Item ID

Displays item type included in the package (as in, being moved via the CTS process).


Displays a brief description of the item specified on the CTS Packing List Keys page.


Displays SQL script to be run as part of the archive installation, for example, to build or modify a table, insert a record into a table or edit a value in the database.



If checked, any child items related to the item that had Purge checked on the CTS Items page are deleted when the archive is installed.