Archives H

Archive V

Use this page to:

To access this page, click Admin >CTS > Archives on Navigation pane.

Field Description
Detect Archives Click to detect all archives exported to this instance to be installed.
NAME Displays name of the archive.
DATE CREATED Displays date and time when the archive was created, (i.e., when the Build Archive button was clicked on the CTS Build page).
Attributes Click to open the Archive Attributes page to view attributes defined for the archive. Attributes for a CTS package are optional and allow for additional notes to be added to an archive that would be helpful to include with the package.
Manifest Click to open the Archive Manifest page to view the list of contents in an archive.
History Click to open the Archive History page to view an audit log of when the package was built, installed, etc. and by whom.
INSTALL Click to install the package into the instance.
EXPORT Click to move the package to designated instance. Once the archive is exported, the button name is updated to Re-Export.
Log Click to open the Archive Log page to view information about failed actions for the archive, such as when an install process fails.

Archive V

Archives H

Use this page to:





Displays name of the archive. When an archive is built from a package, the package description is used as the name of the archive.


Displays additional documentation about the package, such as a description of what the package contains. When the archive is built from a package, the comment from the package is used as the description of the archive.

File Information

File Name

Displays name of install file generated when the Build Archive button is clicked on theCTS Buildpage.


Displays the CTS version number. This value ensures that source and target environments for an archive use the same version. 


Date Created

Displays date and time when the archive was created, i.e., when the archive was built from the original package when the Build Archive button on theCTS Buildpage was clicked.

Date Installed

Displays date and time when the archive was installed on the target instance, i.e., when the Install/Import button on theArchivespage was clicked.

Date Imported

Displays date and time when the archive record on the target instance is inserted into the CranSoft database, i.e., when the Import button on theArchivespage is clicked.

Date Exported

Displays date and time when the package was exported from the source instance, i.e., when the Export button on theArchivespage was clicked.