View Late Tasks

A task is late if the task is not in a Completed status and:

  • The current date is later than the planned finish date or
  • The task is on the critical path and a task that occurs before it in the critical path is late or
  • The task has passed a Threshold Warning. Refer to Set Parameters for Task Status Calculation for more information about Threshold Warnings.

When a task is late, it displays on the Late Task page. Late tasks only display for active plans. If a plan is deactivated, the late tasks associated with that plan when the plan was active no longer display on the Late Task page.

Work List items added on the Work List Setup page that are late do not appear as late tasks.

NOTE: Security settings are required to view late tasks on the Late Task page. To view late tasks, users must be assigned to the Sample Project Level Role or the Sample Plan Level Role. If custom security roles are defined, these roles must have at least one of the following WebApp Groups assigned: Power User, Power Designer, Project User or Plan User to view late tasks.

NOTE: Security keys must be assigned to a security role every time a new project or plan is created in dspTrack™.

Refer to Set Up Security for dspTrack™ for more information.

There are two ways to access the Late Task page: view all late tasks across all projects or view late tasks for a plan.

To view all late tasks across all projects, select Late Tasks in the Navigation pane.

To view late tasks for a plan:

  1. Click Project in the Navigation pane.
  2. Click Plans for a project.
  3. Click Vertical View for a plan.
  4. Click the Additional Information tab.
  5. Click Late Tasks.

NOTE: The Late Tasks icon will always display red, even if there are no late tasks associated with the plan.