Escalate Late Tasks

A user assigned to the DSPTrack.Project.Template or DSPTrack.Plan.Template security roles can escalate late tasks for a project.

NOTE: The security keys for the project and plan must have been added to the security role as well. Refer to Set Up Security for dspTrack™ for more information.

When viewing all tasks in all projects (select Late Tasks in the Navigation pane), the managers that display on the Late Task Escalation page depend on whether work on the late task selected on the Late Task page has begun. Work starts for a task when a user clicks Next Action on the Work List when a task is in Ready status.

If work on a late task has not begun (the task is in Ready or Waiting on Dependency status) the Late Task Escalation page displays the escalation managers from all escalation processes associated with business users assigned to the task selected on the Late Task page.

If work on a late task has begun (the status of the task is In Progress) the Late Task Escalation page displays the managers for the business user who started work on the task.  

NOTE: The order that a contact displays on the Late Task Escalation page is determined by the priority set for a contact on the User List – Receive Workflow Escalation page (Configuration > Workflow > Escalation Process).

To escalate a late task:

  1. Select Late Tasks in the Navigation pane to view all late tasks across all projects.


    Select Project > Plans > Vertical View > Additional Information tab > Late Tasks to view late tasks for a plan.

  2. Select the task that requires the escalation email to be sent.

    NOTE: If no records display on the Late Task Escalation page, an Escalation process has not been created for users assigned to that task.

  3. Click Send Escalation Email for the contact NAME on the Late Task Escalation page.

The ESCALATED ON field updates to the date and time the email was sent.

The ESCALATED BY field updates with the user name of the user who clicked Send Escalation Email.