Copy Plan Tasks

When a user copies a task, all of the following items can also be copied:

  • Users assigned to the task
  • Task Dependencies
  • Tags assigned to the task
  • Work List Event rules for tasks
  • Work List Event validations for tasks

NOTE: A Plan Task cannot be copied to a Plan that is active. Refer to Activate and Deactivate a Plan for more information.

To copy a task:

  1. Select Project in the Navigation pane.

  2. Click Plans for a project.

  3. Click Tasks for a plan.

  4. Select a task NAME.

  5. Click Copy Plan Task.

    NOTE: All items are enabled for copying by default.

  6. Click a check box to disable it if an item should not be copied.

  7. Click Edit.

    View the field descriptions for the Copy Plan Task page

  8. Enter a suffix in the Task Copy Suffix field if the names of all copied tasks should have a suffix.

  9. Select a plan in the Destination Plan ID list box if the task should be copied to another plan.

    NOTE: Select the name of the current plan if the task should not be copied to another plan.

  10. Enter a name for the copied plan in the Name field to change the default value, if necessary.

  11. Enter a description of the task in the Description field.

  12. Click Save.

  13. Click Copy Plan Task; a confirmation message displays.

  14. Click Ok.

This copy displays on the Plan Task page, and can be used like any other task.