Add Users to a Work List Item

When a user is added to a Work List Item, that item appears on the Work List when that user logs in (until it is in Completed status). When a user is removed from an item, the item no longer displays on the user’s Work List.

Multiple users can be assigned to the same Work List Item.

If multiple users are assigned to an item, that item will display in each user’s Work List. When the item moves to a status of Completed, it will be removed from each user’s Work List. For example, users A, B and C are assigned the item Run Daily Audit Report. This item displays on the Work List for each user. User B completes the task, and the item is removed from the Work List for users A, B, and C.

To add users to and remove users from a Work List Item:

  1. Select Configuration > Work List from the Navigation pane.
  2. Click the Users icon for an item on the Work List Setup page.
  3. Select a USER ID.
  4. Click Add To Work List Item or Remove From Work List Item.

NOTE: The Work List Item User page is read only for  Plan Tasks. Task users must be added and removed from the PlanTask User page (Project > Plans > Tasks > Users).