View all Pages for a Task

A task defines a unit of work and is associated with the web page or group of web pages where the work is performed. A Designer can view all of a task’s associated pages and how these pages are accessed on the Task Page page.

Information including page name, page type and parent task is available for each page.

The page type is created when the page is initially defined, and sets how the page is laid out or how the page is used. A Header/Detail layout page defines a split pane page with header data in the parent page and details about the record selected in the header on the details page.

The page level provides information about which pages are top level pages (i.e., a page that is not accessed from another page) and has a page level of 0. Child pages, which are accessed directly from the parent page, have levels of 1, 2 and so on.

These pages are then added to a scenario > role > task combination, and can be viewed on the Scenario Role Task Page page.

To view a task’s pages:

  1. Click dspConduct > Design in the Navigation pane.
  2. Click the Tasks icon for a category.
  3. Click the Pages icon for a task.