Deactivate a Task for a Scenario Role Combination

Certain tasks, while used in the role in other scenarios, might not be required in certain scenario > role combinations. A Designer can deactivate a task that is not used in a scenario > role combination. The task is active in the scenario > role combination by default.

Before performing this task, the design process must be complete and a task must be defined in the Content WebApp. Refer to dspConduct™ Design Process Overview for more information.

To deactivate a task for a scenario > role combination in dspConduct™:

  1. Select  dspConduct > Design in the Navigation pane.

  2. Click the Scenarios icon for a category on the Category page.

  3. Click the Roles icon.

  4. Click the Tasks icon.

  5. Click Edit for a scenario > role > task.

    View the field descriptions for the Scenario Role Task page.

  6. Click the ACTIVE IN SCENARIO ROLE check box to disable it.

  7. Click Save.