Use a Custom WebApp with dspCompose™

When dspCompose™ is installed, the WebApp dspCompose_Data and its database are also installed. dspCompose_Data is the configured WebApp and database where client customizations and data validations should be created that will not be overwritten during an upgrade. In addition to dspCompose_Data, other custom WebApps and companion databases may be created and used with dspCompose™.

NOTE: The number of custom WebApps that may be created is controlled by client licensing.

When a custom WebApp is created, an Administrator must perform the following tasks for the custom WebApp.

  • Create WebApp Groups
  • Define security
  • Define a WebApp catalog in order to perform translations

The catalog for the custom WebApp can be a new catalog added specifically for the custom WebApp or the dspCompose_Data catalog if no specific catalog has been created and defined for the WebApp.

The dspCompose_Data catalog may also be assigned to the WebApp even if a specific catalog does exist for the custom WebApp. However, the dspCompose_Data catalog should be assigned to the WebApp with a higher Priority number than the catalog specific to the custom WebApp.

To use the custom WebApp:

  1. Create all tt Tables and Views to Support the Pages in the Custom WebApp
  2. Create rt Tables From the tt Tables and Create Views for the Custom WebApp
  3. Create Pages and Views in Custom WebApp
  4. Create a Custom Template for use with the Custom WebApp.