Supporting Objects for Templates

Supporting objects for templates reside in other data sources than dspCompose™.  The following Integrate objects need to also be included in a CTS archive:

  • Integrate Category - If the target system has not been populated with the Integrate Category that corresponds to the Integrate Category listed on the dspCompose™ Parameters page, the Integrate Category needs to be included in the CTS archive. Be aware that a Packing List that includes Category will automatically include all templates and all processes in Integrate; exclude any other templates and processes that should not be included.

  • Integrate Process - On the dspCompose™ Templates page > Vertical View > General tab, determine the Integrate Process ID. Build a CTS; select Type of Integrate – Integrate Process and enter the Key Value associated with the Integrate Process ID.  Export to the target system; Import into the target system.

  • Integrate Template -  On the dspCompose™ Templates page > Vertical View > General tab, determine the Integrate Template ID.  Build a CTS; select Type of Integrate – Integrate Template and enter the Key Value associated with the Integrate Template ID.  Export to the target system; Import into the target system.

Once a dspCompose™ template and its supporting Integrate components have been imported into a target system, additional objects in other data sources will also need to be transferred to the target system using CTS. To determine the list of other objects, use the Template (Objects) page in dspCompose™ on the source system.

The related Integrate ProcessID and the related Integrate template are the same as referenced above. The instructions above should have already been used to transfer these objects to the target system.