Setup and Configuration for dspCompose™

There are several elements of dspCompose™ that can be configured before executing a mass change process. These steps should only be completed by a developer or a system administrator and are dependent upon the client’s setup.

Before getting started with dspCompose™, verify the following steps have been completed:

  1. Set Up Security for dspCompose™
  2. Configure dspCompose™ Parameters
  3. Configure Global Roles
  4. Assign a Catalog to a Custom WebApp for Use with dspCompose™
  5. Enable Role Validations
  6. Update Validation Messages
  7. Configure Workflow Messages
  8. Set up Workflow Messages
  9. Configure Request Statuses
  10. Configure Columns to Exclude from Mass Change
  11. Display Posting Options on Requests
  12. Configure Settings for External Data Processing and External Request Scenarios

When the platform is installed, an Integrate category called dspCompose is created that will act as the repository in Integrate for all the templates created in dspCompose™.

The category is listed on the Parameters page. In dspCompose™, select Configuration > Setup > Parameters. The name displays in the Integrate Category field.