Create rt Tables from the tt Tables

Before performing this task:

  1. Create a looped template and process in Integrate. Refer to Configure Process Template Loops for a BDC Script Template with Looping Enabled or Configure Process Template Loops for a GUI Script Template with Looping Enabled in Integrate for more information.
  2. Create all tt Tables and tx Views for the Integrate Process

Once each tt table is created, use the tt table as a script to create an rt table. Add these columns to each rt table:

NOTE: ArchiveID column must be set as the PrimaryKey of the rt Table.

These additional changes must be made when creating the rt table:

  1. ID column must be modified to no longer be IDENTITY.
  2. Remove defaults from PostError, PostMessage and Reject columns.

For each table (the header table and each loop table), create a tx view, if one was not automatically generated by Integrate. Link these views to the appropriate loop in Integrate.

The tx view must contain all columns from the tt table, the WebAppID where the view resides, and a WHERE clause ‘WHERE [PostError] >= 1’.

Continue with Create Custom Pages and Views.