Template (External Request Scenario Email Address)

Use this page to Add Email Addresses for a Scenario.

To access this page:

  1. Select dspCompose > Team from *Navigation *pane.
  2. Click Templates for a team.
  3. Click Vertical View for a template.
  4. Click Configuration tab.
  5. Click External Request Scenarios.
  6. Click Email Addresses for the scenario.
Field Description
EMAIL ADDRESS Displays email address that can send an email that will create a request in dspCompose™ for the scenarios ent from dspCompose™.
NAME Displays sender’s name associated with the email address. This name is how the user is addressed in the workflow email.
LANGUAGE ID Displays language used in the email for the ExternalData event. Language-specific messages are added on the Workflow Message page and the Workflow Language Message page. If no selection is made, English is used.
COMMENT Displays user-entered comment, about the email address.