The simplest optimization that can be made to most pages is control view record reduction. UCVs and DCVs are usually the biggest offenders of unnecessarily large record sets.
The majority of the time a DCV is created, it selects the entire record set and does something like:
THEN 0 –Disabled
ELSE 1 – Enabled
END as [Enabled]
FROM [Table] WHERE [Field]
However, DCV’s do not require every record to be present. If it’s expected that more than often records will be DISABLED as opposed to ENABLED the DCV should change to:
SELECT 1 as [Disabled] FROM [Table] WHERE [Field] <> 1
where the Control Status is set to Enabled by default within the pages configuration.
This does several things:
Reduces the record set site, improving performance
Reduces the complexity of the view, improving performance
Simplifies the view, making it easier to understand
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