View System Logs

A System Administrator can view information about access changes made for entities, authentication attempts when users log in to the DSP®, and changes to system configuration on the System Logs pages.

When an entity’s security access is changed, the change, such as adding a user to a WebApp Group, is logged on the System Logs (Access Changes) page.

When a user logs in to the DSP®, the attempt, whether failed or succeeded, is logged on the System Logs (Authentication Attempts) page.

System configuration changes, such as security related changes to Parameter pages, are logged on the System Logs page.

NOTE: All configuration changes must be made through the System Administration user interface. Changes to configuration made outside of the user interface are not logged.

To view the System Logs pages, a user must be a member of the Administrator, Power Designer or Power User WebApp groups for System Administration.

Refer to Configure Log Type Settings for information about configuring retention days and whether a log is active.

To view system logs:

  1. Click Admin > Resources > System Logs in the Navigation pane.
  2. Click the Log icon to view the Access Changes, Authentication Attempts, or System Configuration Changes log as needed.