Stop and Start Service Pages

There are no security restrictions for stopping or starting a service page. If the user has access to the Service Pages page, they can start/stop at will.

Once the service page has begun processing, it cannot be stopped – the Stop button is disabled. If a service page is started accidentally, the user will only be able to stop it while it is in queue.

Notifications will not be sent to any user when service pages are stopped or started. 

To stop or start a service page:

  1. Select Resources > Service Pages in Navigation pane.

    NOTE: A list of all service pages, active and inactive, displays for all WebApps.

  2. Either:

    • Click Start for the WEB APP to start the service page.

    NOTE: The service page is queued to run as soon as possible. The Start icon is disabled and the Stop icon is enabled. The Stop button will then be disabled when processing had begun.


    • Click Stop for the WEB APP to stop the service page

    NOTE: The service page will not stop if it is already running. It will only stop while in queue. The service page will run again according to the frequency set on the Service Properties tab on the Page page’s Vertical View (WebApps > Pages > Vertical View for a page with Page Type of Service). Refer to Configure Service Pages for more information.

    NOTE: A Page Designer creates a service page. Refer to Create a Service Page for more information.