Hide/Show Quick Links

Quick links can be easily hidden or displayed on the Quick Links page. Hiding a quick link may be useful if it was created for a user by a manager and the user does not need or want the quick link. (Quick links created by role or by user cannot be deleted by the recipient.) This feature also allows a quick link to be saved without having to delete it and recreate it at another time.

To hide or show a quick link:

  1. Click Quick Links icon on Site toolbar.

  2. Click Manage Quick Links.

  3. Click Visibility button to hide or show the quick link on the Quick Links page. If the link is hidden, the button displays as “Unhide.” If the link is not hidden, the button displays as “Hide.”

    NOTE: If any links are defined, the Quick Links icon always displays and the option to hide the icon (i.e., disable Show Quick Links) will not be available.