Security Definitions Delivered with the DSP®

The DSP® is delivered with the following security definitions:

Description Security Definition Name
Analyze DataSources DSPCommon.Analyze.DataSourceID
Collect Targets DSPCommon.Collect.Targets
Integrate Categories DSPCommon.Integrate.Categories
Wave + Process Area Console.Wave_ProcessArea
Wave + Process Area + Object Console.Wave_ProcessArea_Object
Wave + Process Area + Object + Target Console.Wave_ProcessArea_Object_Target
Wave + Process Area + Object + Target + Source Console.Wave_ProcessArea_Object_Target_Source
Plan DSPTrack.Plan.ProjectID
Project DSPTrack.Project.ProjectCollectionID

These security definitions should be used to define the security of users for the delivered components of the DSP®.  Custom WebApps need custom security definitions created in order to provide data level security to those applications.