Register Security Definition

NOTE: This section only applies to custom components and the three delivered custom components: Construct, MC and dspCompose_Data. After creating the view, the Security Definition is created on the Security Definitions page.  On this page, the view created in Create a View is registered along with the necessary description information about the Security Definition. 

To register the security definition in System Administration:

  1. Select Security > Security Definitions > Security Definitions in Navigation pane.

  2. Click Add.

    View the field descriptions for the Security Definitions page

  3. Enter a unique name of the definition in SECURITY DEFINITION NAME field. Use the following naming convention to help with versioning: WebAppName.SecViewTables.Columns.

  4. Select a data source where the security definition is registered from DATA SOURCE ID list box.

  5. Select the view created in the Create a View section from DATA VIEW list box.

    NOTE: Only views that reside in the DATA SOURCE ID are available in the DATA VIEW list box.

  6. Enter a brief description or explanation of the security definition in DESCRIPTION field.

  7. Click Save.

  8. Click Keys button to define key columns within the DATA VIEW that contain values by which security can be administered.

  9. Click Add.

    View the field descriptions for the Security Definitions Keys page

  10. Select a column within the view from COLUMN NAME list box that contains values by which security can be administered.

  11. Click Save.