Register Security Definitions to Components (WebApps)

NOTE: This section only applies to custom components and the three delivered custom components: Construct, MC and dspCompose_Data.

Once the security definition is fully defined, it is registered to the DSP® component (i.e., the WebApp).  This registration limits the records returned on the page for a particular user by the data elements assigned to the user for the security definition. Binding is established between a security definition and the column(s) on the page. The binding is the linking of column(s) on the page to columns defined in the security definition view that are used for comparison. When displaying records to the user, the DSP® uses this binding to limit the displayed records to only those values to which the user has access.

To register security definition to the DSP® component or a custom WebApp:

Select WebApps in Navigation pane.

Click Pages icon for WEBAPP NAME.

Click Security Definitions for the page DESCRIPTION.

Click Add

View the field descriptions for the Security Definition Pages page

Select name of security definition from SECURITY DEFINITION ID list box.

Click UPDATE USER DEFINITION ON SAVE check box to enable it, allowing records added by the user to be automatically added to the user’s security key. This allows users to automatically have security to the new data without the added step of manually granting security.

Click Save.

Click Bindings button to view the linking of column(s) on the page to columns defined in the security view.

Click Edit icon for a COLUMN NAME.

View the field descriptions for the Security Definition Column Bindings page

Select a column defined in the security definition view from COLUMN BINDING list box.