Manage Duplicate Detection

Duplicate Detection is a validation rule included with the DSP® that uses search engine indexes to find possible duplicate records. Unlike most validation rules, which are hard coded views residing in the database, DSP® dynamically builds a derived table at runtime to perform Duplicate Detection. The derived table is treated much the same way as any user-defined validation rule. The results of the query display the same as any other validation results.

The Duplicate Detection validation rule runs as a foreground event, triggered when:

  • A record is created or modified on a page where Duplicate Detection is enabled for a column(s)

NOTE: If both search and duplicate detection are used, the user can enable a validation as a page event that runs in the foreground to check for duplicates when a single record is added. Refer to Configure an Index, Add a Column to an Index and Register a Validation Rule to a Page for more information.

  • A user manually triggers an event that contains the validation rule

NOTE: The validation can be assigned to any event, with any severity or priority. Add a Duplicate Detection validation rule to the OnValidate event as a warning. Refer to Create Events for more information.

The Duplicate Detection validation rule is available for use on a page if the following criteria have been met:

  • The page must be indexed.
  • Duplicate detection must be enabled on one or more index columns.

Refer to Build indices for a Data Source for Search and Duplicate Detection and Enable Duplicate Detection for more information.

NOTE: There is a distinction between Duplicate Detection, configured in System Administration, and Bulk Duplicate Detection performed in Common. Bulk Duplicate Detection is an extension of the Duplicate Detection capability. Bulk Duplicate Detection is a background event that detects duplicates for each record in a table. An Administrator or Designer runs the Bulk Duplicate Detection process in Common. The results are stored in a DSP®-created table where a client can use them.

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