Log Events and Access to Personal Data

The DSP® assists clients with corporate or regulatory compliance by logging all events related to processing personal data. The logs are created daily as .CSV files.

The DSP creates a log entry every time an event executes in DSP in any application, including each page load. By default, events on all pages are tracked; however, a System Administrator can set which pages are not tracked.

The log entry contains all information necessary to understand what was executed and by whom, including:

  • Current Time
  • User ID
  • WebAppID
  • PageID
  • Page name
  • Event name
  • Primary Keys (if available)
  • DrillDownKeys (if available)

A System Administrator enables or disables logging as needed. By default, logging is disabled.

Before logging can be enabled, a data source to store the logs must be defined.

To define the data source:

  1. Create a local file data source. Refer to Register a Data Source for more information.

    NOTE: This data source’s path can be local on the web server or on a network. It is highly recommended that the logs be stored on a remote server.

  2. Test the connection to the data source.

    NOTE: The DSP must have read and write permissions to the data source.

If the logs cannot be written to the data source specified because of a network or permissions issue, the logs are written to the installation directory logs folder. BackOffice does not recommend writing these events to a local file on the application server. The logs should be written to a remote location, so as not to impact DSP performance, and log size should be monitored using log management software. A warning message displays in the DSP every hour that logs are written to the installation directory logs folder.

To enable logging:

  1. Select Admin > Configuration > Parameters on the Navigation pane.

  2. Click the Logging Options tab.

  3. Click Edit.

    View the field descriptions for the Logging Options tab

  4. Select the data source in the Logging Data Source ID list box.

  5. Click Save.

  6. Click the Enable Page Logging button.

  7. Set the Logging Retention Days, which is the number of days before the logs are deleted

    NOTE: The default value, 0, indicates that the logs are not deleted.

NOTE: The daily log also tracks when logging is enabled or disabled and by whom.