Display Translations for Column Data

Page Designers can set the Translate option for a column on a page in a custom WebApp. When the option is checked, users can view the column’s data translated to the Language ID associated with their user account.

NOTE: Translations are dependent on catalog entries for the selected language.

Refer to Manage WebApp Catalogs for general information.

To display the translations for columns:

  1. Navigate to the page containing the column that must be translated.

  2. Click the Change Settings icon in the Site toolbar.

  3. Select Design.

  4. Click the Column Properties icon for the page.

  5. Click Vertical View for the column to be translated.

  6. Click the Advanced Properties tab.

    NOTE: The Advanced Properties tab does not display for the Control Types of Tab and Label.

  7. Click Edit.

    View the field description for the Page Columns page

  8. Click the Translate check box to enable or disable it as needed.

    NOTE: If checked, the column data is translated. If unchecked, the column data is not translated.

    NOTE: The check box displays for these controls:

    • Text box
    • Combo box
    • Image
    • List box
    • Toolbar
    • Text area
  9. Click Save.