Create an OnValidate Page Event for Bulk Execution

Bulk Execution is only supported on the OnValidate event. This event executes when a record is inserted, updated, or manually validated. Validations can be of type Warning, Message, or Error. Refer to Validation Rules for more information.

Validations can also be configured to conditionally execute business rules based on validation results. Refer to Business Rules for more information.

To create an OnValidate page event for Bulk Execution:

  1. Select WebApps in the Navigation pane.

  2. Click the Pages icon for a WEB APP NAME.

  3. Click the Events icon for a DESCRIPTION.

    NOTE: If no records exist, the page displays in add mode. Otherwise, click Add.

    View the field descriptions for the Page Events page

  4. Select OnValidate from the EVENT list box.

  5. Select Foreground from the EVENT PROCESS TYPE ID list box.

    NOTE: For the Bulk Execution feature, the OnValidate event must run in the foreground so that the messages about validation failures can be seen. These messages do not display for background events.

  6. Click Save.

  7. Add Validation Rules to the event. Refer to Validation Rules for more information.

  8. Add Business Rules to the event, if needed. Refer to Business Rules for more information.

    NOTE: A page that has an OnValidate event which contains a non stored procedure business rule and a non-view validation rule will generate warnings relating to performance implications of having Bulk Execution enabled on a Page Event with these less-standard rule types