Create WebApp Groups using the WebApp Groups page

WebApp Groups can be designed depending on specific business requirements. Any number of groups can be created. Users must then be assigned to a WebApp Group.

Only users assigned to the Security and PowerUser WebApp Groups in System Administration have authority to create a WebApp Group. However, adding a user to PowerUser is not recommended. As new pages are created for a WebApp, they are automatically added to the PowerUser WebApp Group. Therefore, members of this group always have access to all pages, unless otherwise configured. The ability to create WebApp Groups via the WebApp Groups page is provided for the Security Administrator who generally only has access to the security pages.

If using this method to create WebApp Groups, page access to the group must be assigned under the WebApp Groups menu (Admin > Security > WebApp Security > Groups > Users), which may not be available to the Security Administrator. 

NOTE: The Security Administrator is a user who belongs to the System Administration Security WebApp Group.

To create a WebApp Group using the WebApp Groups page:

  1. Select to Security > WebApp Security in Navigation pane.

  2. Click Groups for a WEB APP NAME.

  3. Click Add.

    View the field descriptions for the WebApp Groups page

  4. Enter a unique name for the group in GROUP NAME field.

  5. Click Save.

    NOTE: The new Group name is synched with the list maintained on the Groups page (Admin > WebApps > Groups).

  6. Assign pages and page access to the group. Refer to Set Page Security for WebApp Groups for detailed information.