Create Quick Links by User

A user, typically a manager, can create a quick link for another user. This process pushes the quick link to the user, giving them access to the link under the Quick Links icon when they log in. Users can then hide or modify the quick link, but cannot delete it. Changes made to the quick link, such as the label, priority, image, etc. do not impact the quick link assigned to other users.

There are a few reasons a manager would create a quick link for a user:

  • Allow users who do not have security to create a quick link to receive a quick link

  • Make users aware that the quick link was created

To create a quick link by user:

  1. Select Admin > Customization > Site Customization from Navigation pane*.*

  2. Click By User.

  3. Click Quick Links for a user ID.

    NOTE: Icon count is the total of quick links assigned to the user plus quick links assigned to the security role to which the user belongs.

    If no records exist, the page displays in Add mode. Otherwise, click Add.

    View the field descriptions for the Quick Links page

  4. Enter order in which quick link displays on the Quick Links page in Priority field.

  5. Select a page to be saved as a quick link from PAGE ID list box.

    NOTE: Pages display in this list box if the Allows Explicit Quick Link check box is enabled for the page. Refer to Allow a Quick Link to be Created for a Page for more information.

  6. Select an image from IMAGE ID list box to add an image to the Label.

    NOTE: The Image ID list box is managed under Admin > Configuration > Style > Images. Contact a Site Administrator to add an image to the list.

  7. Select a group from GROUP list box or enter a new group name and click Use this value to assign the quick link to a group as a means to organize links.

  8. Enter a name for the quick link in LABEL field.

  9. Click Save; the Vertical View displays.

    View the field descriptions for the Quick Links page’s Vertical View

  10. Click Save.