Configure Workflow Fields

The workflow fields determine what is displayed in the subject line, body text, and other fields of the workflow. These fields must be added to the view and aliased correctly to be utilized in the workflow.

To configure the workflow fields:

  1. Select WebApps in the Navigation pane.

  2. Click the Pages icon for a WEB APP NAME.

  3. Click the Events icon for a DESCRIPTION.

  4. Click the Business Rules icon for an EVENT.

  5. Click Vertical View for a business rule with a PROCEDURE TYPE of Workflow.

  6. Click Workflow Fields.

  7. Click Edit.

    View the field description for the Advanced Workflow page.

  8. Select a field from the From list box.

    NOTE: Displays the column name from the Alternate View that contains the sender’s email address.

  9. Select a field from the To list box.

    NOTE: Displays the column name from the Alternate View that contains the email address(es) or userID(s) of the TO recipients.

  10. Select a field from the CC list box.

    NOTE: Displays the column name from the Alternate View that contains the email address(es) or userID(s) of the CC recipients. If the workflow contains a link, each recipient receives a separate notification or email.

  11. Select a field from the BCC list box.

    NOTE: Displays the column name from the Alternate View that contains the email address(es) or userID(s) of the BCC recipients. If the workflow contains a link, each recipient receives a separate notification or email. 

  12. Select a field from the Subject list box.

    NOTE: Displays the column name from the Alternate View that contains the subject of the email.

  13. Select a field from the Body list box.

    NOTE: Displays the column name from the Alternate View that contains the content of the email. If Support Workflow Authentication is enabled (on the *Parameters*page), disclaimer text (to inform the email recipient that any user who clicks the workflow link is automatically authenticated based on the email recipient’s user account) appears above the Body text.

  14. Select a field from the Email Attachment list box.

    NOTE: Displays the column name from the Alternate View where the paths to the file attachment(s) are specified.

  15. Click Save.

    NOTE: When a workflow is executed, the WorkflowedBy and WorkflowedOn fields are updated in the page table, if the table exists.