Build Index Objects

An index is comprised of several SQL Server objects, including three tables to store the index and four stored procedures to populate the index. Before a table can be indexed, the objects must be built based on the index configuration. Building the index objects is generally a one-time event. If the index configuration changes, the objects must be rebuilt.

To build the index objects:

  1. Select Admin > Data Sources in the Navigation pane.
  2. Click the Index icon for a data source.
  3. Click the Build icon in the Page toolbar to build the selected index.

The build process creates three tables in the user database: TableName#SearchKey, TableName#Search and TableName#SearchWord, where TableName is the name of the indexed table. The tables comprise a reverse index of the records in the table.

  • The #SearchKey Table: Because the source table may not have an optimal primary key structure, the primary keys for each record is stored in the #SearchKey table. Each key is assigned a new ID using a SQL Server IDENTITY column, called boaKeyID.
  • The #SearchWord Table: Every unique word in the source table contains a record in the #SearchWord table. In addition to the word, a pre-computed SoundEx value is stored with the word. The word is assigned an ID, boaIndexID, which is a SQL Server IDENTITY column.
  • The #Search Table: The #Search table is the reverse index for the table and associates individual words with records. A word is paired to a record once. If the word appears in the record more than once, a count is reflected in the Occurrences column. The IsSynonym column designates whether the word appears in the record or whether a synonym of the word appears in the index.

In addition to the index tables, several stored procedures are created for managing the index:

  • boaIndex_TableName_KeyFilterExecuteLoop
  • boaIndex_TableName_Loop.
  • boaIndex_TableName_NoFilterExecuteLoop
  • boaIndex_TableName_PartialExecuteLoop

These procedures are used by the internal indexing routines and should not be modified directly.