WebApps H

WebApps V

Use this page to Create a WebApp.

To access this page, select Admin > WebApps in the Navigation pane.

Field Description
WEB APP NAME Displays the name of the WebApp.
DATA SOURCE ID Displays the name of the WebApp’s data source, a database.
Pages Click to open the Pages page for the selected WEB APP NAME.
Menus Click to open the Menus page for the selected WEB APP NAME.
Catalogs Click to open the Catalogs page for the selected WEB APP NAME.
Groups Click to open the Groups page for the selected WEB APP NAME.
Plugins Click to open the Plugins page for the selected WEB APP NAME.

WebApps V

WebApps H

This page contains the following tabs:

WebApp Properties tab

Use this tab to view WebApp properties.

Translation tab

Use this tab to enable page phrases tracking.

Naming Options tab

Use this tab to Enforce Strict Naming.

Naming Conventions tab

Use this tab to update Naming Conventions.