Users H

Users V

Use this page to Create User Accounts.

NOTE: Bulk Execution has been enabled on this page. See the Bulk Execution topic in System Administration for more information.

NOTE: Excel Integration has been enabled on this page. Refer to Use Excel Integration and the Knowledge Base article Use Excel Integration to Create or Update Multiple User Accounts for more information.

To access this page, select Admin > Security > Users in the Navigation pane.

Field Description
Create User From Click to create a copy of the user with identical permissions to the selected user.
USER ID Displays ID associated with user used to log in to the Platform.
NAME Displays name of user associated with the User ID.
ANONYMOUS If checked, the user is an anonymous user. An anonymous user does not log in to the Platform; but is navigated directly to a specific Platform page via a workflow link.
LANGUAGE ID Displays language used for the user’s session.
Groups Click to open the User Group List page to add, edit and delete security groups to which the user belongs.
Security Definitions Click to open the User Security Definition Summary page to view a summary of security definitions assigned to the user.

Users V

Users H

Use this page to Create User Accounts.



User ID

Displays ID associated with the user used to log in to the Platform.


Displays name of the user associated with the User ID.

Security Information


Displays encrypted password used with the User ID to log in to the Platform.

Password Last Changed

Displays the date the user’s password was last changed.

Windows User Name

Displays the login name used for Microsoft Windows to log in to the Platform. This field is used if Integrated Authentication is enabled to validate against the Windows domain.

Expiration Date

Displays date when the user’s access to the DSP® will be terminated. If blank, the user’s access will not expire.

Last Successful Login

Displays the last successful login for the selected user.


Language ID

Displays language used for the user.

Default Page ID

Displays page that opens when the user first logs in to the Platform. The default value is the Platform Site page.

Style ID

Displays style used within the DSP® for the logged in user. The style controls colors, fonts, etc. of the user interface. Administrators can create new styles under Admin > Configuration > Style > Styles.

Contact Information


Displays user’s telephone number.

Telephone Extension

Displays user’s telephone extension.

E Mail Address

Displays user’s email address. This email address is used for all workflow notifications.

Format Options

Locale ID

Displays the locale used to translate date and number formats for the user.


View History

Click to open the User History Log page, to view the user’s system logs related to authentication, property changes and access changes.

View Log In History

Click to view the login history of the user.