System Logs

Use this page to:

To access this page:

  1. Click Admin > Resources > System Logs in the Navigation pane.
  2. Click the Log icon to view the Access Changes, Authentication Attempts, or System Configuration Changes log.


  1. Click Admin > Security > Users in the Navigation pane.
  2. Click Vertical View for a user.
  3. Click the View History icon.

This page contains the following logs:

Access Changes

Field Description
EVENT LOG ID Displays the event log ID.
TIMESTAMP Display the date and time the access change was made.
ENTITY Displays the type of entity for which access was changed.
ENTITY KEY Displays the key of the entity for which access was changed.
ENTITY NAME Displays the name of the entity for which access was changed.
TARGET ENTITY Displays the target entity in which access for the entity was changed.
TARGET ENTITY KEY Displays the key of target entity in which access for the entity was changed.
TARGET ENTITY NAME Displays the name of target entity in which access for the entity was changed.
RESULT Displays the result of the access change.
USER Displays the name of the user who made the access change.
SEVERITY Displays the severity of the log information.
IP ADDRESS Displays the IP address of the user who made the access change.

Authentication Attempts

Field Description
EVENT LOG ID Displays the event log ID.
TIMESTAMP Display the date and time the authentication attempt was made.
AUTHENTICATION TYPE Displays the type of authentication.
AUTHENTICATION KEY Displays the authentication key.
AUTHENTICATION USER ID Displays the ID of the user who attempted authentication.
RESULT Displays the result of the authentication attempt.
RESULT MESSAGE Displays the resulting message of the authentication attempt if the attempt failed.
SEVERITY Displays the severity of the log information.
IP ADDRESS Displays the IP address of the user that made the authentication attempt.

System Configuration Changes

Field Description
EVENT LOG ID Displays the event log ID.
TIMESTAMP Display the date and time the access change was made.
ENTITY Displays the type of entity for which the configuration change was made.
ENTITY KEY Displays the key of the entity for which the configuration change was made.
ENTITY NAME Displays the entity for which the configuration change was made
FIELD Displays the field in which the configuration change was made.
NEW VALUE Displays new value of the configuration change.
RESULT Displays the result of the configuration change.
USER Displays the name of the user who made the configuration change.
SEVERITY Displays the severity of the log information.
IP ADDRESS Displays the IP address of the user who made the configuration change.