Styles H

Styles V

Use this page to Add a Style.

To access this page, select Admin > Configuration > Style > Styles in the Navigation pane.

Styles V

Styles H

This page contains the following tabs:

General tab

NOTE: These values are defined on the Colors page.




Primary Color ID

Displays the primary color representing the page foreground.

Secondary Color ID

Displays the secondary color representing the page foreground.

Tertiary Color ID

Displays the color used for labels on Vertical Views.

Background Color ID

Displays the color representing the page background

Selected Row Color ID

Displays the color representing the row when selected by the user.

Company Logo Small Image ID

Displays the image shown in the top left corner of the screen when the user is logged in.

Company Logo Large Image ID

Displays the image shown on the login page.

NOTE: The image height must be 36 px to render correctly on the login page.


Large Font Color ID

Displays the color used by large font columns. Typically, these columns are set to a grey color for most of the shipped styles. Examples include the color of text on Vertical Views, button labels and page titles.

Small Font Color ID

Displays the color used by small font columns. Typically, these columns are set to a grey color for most of the shipped styles. Examples include the color of text on Vertical Views, button labels and page titles.

Secondary Text Color ID

Displays the color for objects such as page titles on header detail pages and chart pages

On Top of Primary Text Color ID

Displays the color used for:

  • The text color of buttons when hovering over them
  • Navigation pane text, arrow, and pin color
  • Context menu text color (for example, right-click menus and Settings menu)
  • System site menu highlight text color

On Top of Secondary Text Color ID

Displays the color used for:

  • The color of the text on the Navigation pane when hovering over a menu item
  • Context menu hover text color (for example, right-click menus and Settings menu)

Link Color ID

Displays the color representing the links on the pages.

Link Hover Color ID

Displays the color representing the link on the page when the user hovers over it.


Element Border Color ID

Displays the color representing the border color of the elements on the page. The elements include but are not limited to buttons. Images, etc.

This is an optional setting.


Wade Error Color ID

Displays the color representing the wade error message background.

Internal Error Color ID

Displays the color representing the internal error message background.

Contrast Ratios



Large Font Color

LF_Background Color

Displays the ratio of contrast of large font color against the background color.

LF_Selected Row Color

Displays the ratio of contrast of large font color against the selected row color.

LF_Wade Error Color

Displays the ratio of contrast of large font color against the wade error message background color.

LF_Internal Error Color

Displays the ratio of contrast of large font color against the internal error message background color.

Small Font Color

SF_Background Color

Displays the ratio of contrast of small font color against the background color.

SF_Selected Row Color

Displays the ratio of contrast of small font color against the selected row color.

SF_Wade Error Color

Displays the ratio of contrast of small font color against the wade error message background color.

SF_Internal Error Color

Displays the ratio of contrast of small font color against the internal error message background color.

Link Color

LC_Background Color

Displays the ratio of contrast of link color against the background color.

LC_Selected Row Color

Displays the ratio of contrast of link color against the selected row color.

LC_Wade Error Color

Displays the ratio of contrast of link color against the wade error message background color.

LC_Internal Error Color

Displays the ratio of contrast of link color against the internal error message background color.

Link Hover Color

LH_Background Color

Displays the ratio of contrast of link hover color against the background color.

LH_Selected Row Color

Displays the ratio of contrast of link hover color against the selected row color.

LH_Wade Error Color

Displays the ratio of contrast of link hover color against wade error message background color.

LH_Internal Error Color

Displays the ratio of contrast of link hover color against the internal error message background color.

Secondary Text Color

ST_Background Color

Displays the ratio of contrast of secondary text color against the background color.

ST_Selected Row Color

Displays the ratio of contrast of secondary text color against the selected row color.

ST_Wade Error Color

Displays the ratio of contrast of secondary text color against wade error message background color.

ST_Internal Error Color

Displays the ratio of contrast of secondary text color against the internal error message background color.

On Top Of Primary Text Color

On Top Text_Primary Color

Displays the ratio of contrast of background color for:

  • The text color of buttons when hovering over them
  • Navigation pane text, arrow, and pin color
  • Context menu text color (for example, right-click menus and Settings menu)
  • System site menu highlight text color

On Top Of Secondary Text Color

On Top Text_Secondary Color

Displays the ratio of contrast of background color for:

  • The color of the text on the Navigation pane when hovering over a menu item
  • Context menu hover text color (for example, right-click menus and Settings menu)

Tertiary Color

T_Background Color

Displays the ratio of contrast background color for labels for Vertical Views.