Plugins H

Plugins (V)

Use this page to Register the Plugin Assembly.

To access this page:

  1. Select Admin > WebApps in the Navigation pane.
  2. Click the Plugins icon for the desired WEBAPP NAME.
  3. Click the Plugins icon for the desired plugin ASSEMBLY.


Plugins V

Plugins (H)



Plugin Name

Displays the unique identifier for the plugin.


Displays a brief description of the plugin.

Basic Properties


If checked, the plugin can be referenced by other WebApps, not just the WebApp to which the plugin is registered.

If unchecked, the plugin can only be referenced by the WebApp to which the plugin is registered. It cannot be referenced by other WebApps.

Back End Authentication

If checked, back end authentication is enabled. The user is forced to enter their Back End Authentication credentials via the DSP UI when the plugin is executed.

If unchecked, back end authentication is disabled.

Requires Event Type

This field is not used.

Technical Information

Relative Assembly Path

Displays the plugin assembly name relative to the UserArea\[WebAppID]\Processes folder, where UserArea is the DSP folder on the application server where all assemblies are stored and WebAppID is the GUID specific to the WebApp. If the DLL is in the Processes folder, only the assembly name displays. If the DLL is in another folder or a sub-folder, the assembly name and the path display. For example, with an assembly called “myassembly.dll” located in the Processes folder, the Relatively Assembly Path displays “myassembly.dll.” However, if that assembly was in a sub-folder called “bin,” the Relative Assembly Path displays “bin\myassembly.dill.”

Type Name

Displays the technical class type from the plugin.