Message Types H

Message Types V

Use this page to Add a Message Type.

To access this page, select Admin > Configuration > Setup > Message Types.

Message Types V

Message Types H



Message Type Name

Displays the name of the message type.

NOTE: Use this name when referring to the message type in any custom code.

NOTE: Name the message so that developers and users can ascertain the scope of the message type and the application it runs in (for example, Cransoft.Event.Error).


Retention Days

Displays the number of days the message is stored in the database.

Notification Behavior

Message Expansion Threshold

Displays the maximum number of characters that can display in the message window.

If the threshold is exceeded, when the message displays to the user, the message content is replaced with a predefined message, and a link is provided to view the message content in a separate pane within the DSP. 

Require Action

If checked, the user must click the message to close it.

In unchecked, the message fades after displaying for a few seconds.


If checked, error messages are archived in the database, and can be viewed in the Messages tab accessed from the Quick Panel.

Online Alert Only

If checked, if the message is sent when a user is not logged in, it will not display in the DSP when the user logs in. The user must click the Messages tab in the Quick Panel to view the message.

If unchecked, the message displays as soon as the user is logged in.

Read On Alert

If checked, when the message displays to the user, it does not increment the unread message counter displayed on the Messages tab on the Quick Panel.

If unchecked, the unread message counter is always incremented when a message with this message type displays.

Workflow Properties

Workflow Send Message

Displays how a workflow message displays in the DSP if this message type is used with a workflow business rule.

Values are:

  • Always send
  • Never send
  • Send only when user is offline

NOTE: If the user is online, the message isn’t sent. It doesn’t display in the DSP®, and does not display on the Messages tab in the Quick Panel.

  • Send only when user is online

Refer to Workflow Views for more information.

Workflow Send Email

Displays how a workflow email is sent to the user if this message type is used with a workflow business rule.

Values are:

  • Always send
  • Never send
  • Send only when user is offline

NOTE: If the user is online, the email isn’t sent.

  • Send only when user is online

Refer to Workflow Views for more information.