Group Page List

Use this page to View the WebApp Groups and WebApp Pages that a User can Access.

To access this page:

  1. Select Admin > Security > Users in the Navigation pane.

  2. Click the Groups icon.

  3. Click the Pages icon.

Field Description
WEB APP NAME Displays the name of the WebApp.
GROUP NAME Displays the name of the WebApp Group.
FROM ROLE Displays the name of the Security Role which grants the user the associated permission.
DESCRIPTION Displays the name of the page.
ALLOW SELECT If enabled, the user, as a member of the WebApp group, can view the page and data on the page.
ALLOW INSERT If enabled, the user, as a member of the WebApp group, can add a record to the page.
ALLOW UPDATE If enabled, the user, as a member of the WebApp group, can edit data on the page.
ALLOW DELETE If enabled, the user, as a member of the WebApp group, can delete records from the page.