Failed Jobs H

Failed Jobs V

Use this page to View Failed Jobs.

To access this page:

  1. Click Admin > Resources > Monitor in the Navigation pane.
  2. Click the Failed icon for a resource type.

Failed Jobs V

Failed Jobs H



Job ID

Displays the services job number.

Job Information


Displays the title (or name) of the job.

Job Type

Displays the type of job. The types are:

  • Background Event – The job is in the background service controls job queue.

  • General – The job is in the General queue.

  • Index – The job is in the Index queue.

  • Service Page – The job is in the associated service page controls job queue.


Displays the parameter name and value of the job.


Displays the name of the Queue the job is in.


Displays the tasks associated with the job.

Execution Results


Displays the status of the job. Options are:

  • Ready – The job is awaiting processing.

  • Processing – The job is currently running.

  • Failed –The job has failed.

  • Executed – The job was successfully run.

Service Provider

Displays the name of the associated Windows Service.

Start Time

Displays the date and time the job started.

End Time

Displays the date and time the job ended.


Displays error message received during job failure. May be used to determine reason for failure.



Click to acknowledge job failure.