CTS Packing List Summary

Use this page to Review Packing List to Exclude Specific Items.

To access this page:

  1. Select Admin > CTS > Build in the Navigation pane.
  2. Click the Packing List icon.
Field Description
DESCRIPTION Displays a description of the config item.
ALL Click to open the CTS Packing List By Config Item page displaying all items added to the packing list to be moved via the CTS process.
USER DEFINED Click to open the CTS Packing List By Config Item page displaying only user defined items added to the packing list to be moved via the CTS process.
SQL OBJECT Click to open the CTS Packing List By Config Item page displaying only SQL objects added to the packing list to be moved via the CTS process.
SQL SCRIPT Click to open the CTS Packing List By Config Item page displaying only SQL scripts added to the packing list to be moved via the CTS process.
FILE Click to open the CTS Packing List By Config Item page displaying only files added to the packing list to be moved via the CTS process.
FOLDER Click to open the CTS Packing List By Config Item page displaying only folders added to the packing list to be moved via the CTS process.
DATA Click to open the CTS Packing List By Config Item page displaying the data added to the packing list to be moved via the CTS process.